Hey all, made a video of some of the changes i have made. Check it out
Download and info found here: http://forums.demigodthegame.com/372358
*****worth watching in HD on fullscreen - will allow you to read the tooltips for some of the items
New with v1.6 - to be released shortly
Also starting a competition for naming the last one, feel free to nominate your own.
Currently names which have been nominated:
Lightning Hawk
Silver Falcon
Albatross Votes -3
4th Division - 1 vote
Seraphim - 2 vote
Maverick - 1 vote
Buzzards - 1 vote
Winner will be the name with most votes over the next 3 days 2 weeks, winer will be decided on the 14.1.2010. I will tally votes and potential names here.
Albatross wins then!
next patch i the name will be changed. Ty all for participating!
ALBATROSS!! ALBATROSS!!! What flavor is it? It's a bird eat it! It's a sea bird it isn't any flavor!! ALBATROSS!! ALBATROSS!!
lol updated OP - changing the competition to 2 weeks - will be decided on the 14th/1/2010
Best I can come up with is: Seraphim
new video
I vote Seraphim.
Ugh not Serephim. Thats overused. Something more original.
How about Maverick? Or 4th Division like suggested?
P.s. wtf is the albatross thing all about?
the names all sound too majestic/awesome for my liking. how about buzzards?
Lol, I like both of those!
added both up top
Epic win to Maverick. Should definetly win!
Albatross was one of my names, we still need a decider lol
I laugh because I came up with Albatross, Vulture AND Seraphim ...
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