Now Once in a while, there comes a player who is so dominant, ravishing, and perfect in every way that holding an apperication thread for that person is just the right thing to do.
I, friends, am that person.
I graced these forums today; amongst my heavenly gaze I saw not one apperication thread that honours me. Do not worry, for I will turn a blind eye for now in my forgiving glory. But it is time we starting the appreicating. Don't worry, we will all have a turn. I think I will start the ball rolling.
What I love most about ThatGuyYouLove is his seamless play and understanding that he is better then other players. He plays without ever feeling tense or being interested. He knows how to choose the gods and gets the job done, ThatGuyYouLove losing should be seen as a blessing, as I have to force myself to lose a few games so that people will not be scared away by my stats, thus not having the privilege of playing with me.
And now for the closing, I leave you with a few comments that other players have understanably made.
NinkiCZ: "I've never seen such dominance, he is a true visionary of demigod"
Hemp_Boy: "May actually be god himself"
Pacov: "The true demigod messiah!"
Obscenitor: "I owe ThatGuyYouLove everything I know about high level demigod"
Rnz0: "I don't play this game anymore, gtfo"
Mcshane87: "He made buying this game worth it."
Polynomial: "Leave me alone, I'm busying trying to beat Pacov in comment karma"
Frogboy: "It is people like ThatGuyYouLove that remind me why I got into publishing games.
No need to thank me now, you can just 'throw' the next two games against me like you have the last two.