What it means is that we are indeed close to a release.
Once i recieve the finalized researches they will be tested one more time in a brutal full game to make sure the AI does what its supposed to do for each faction. Since i am the one that is going to package the mod. I am doing the final test. Also the final at least for the 0.4e release UI tweaks will be done.
What to expect... Similar to the 0.4os release except ships will have dynamic movement. Weapon damage will be balanced a little better because of this. However no strike craft just yet. We are gonna wait until we have models for each faction to use (including borg).
If we decide to do a diplomacy port it will be identical to 0.4e. Except 0.4d will have diplomatic ships, and appropriete diplomacy research.
No promises on an exact date but we are indeed shooting for chistmas. Barring any major setback.
BTW Jay isnt the yellow alert thing a little overkill on the psyching people up?
...................Start Priority One Communication .................
Enemy Estimate revised Stardate 12/21/2009 at 20:55 hours
- To All StarFleet Personel -
Revise earlier estimate : Enemy warp signatures detected approaching SOL SYSTEM from federation border territories . Mobilize defense grids and ready stations for situation. THIS IS NOT A DRILL !!! REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!! "Project Sacriface of Angels 2 for Sins of a Solar Empire Entrenchment is set for release soon" set condition levels to BLUE ALERT STATUS. monitor all sensor channels and advise starfleet HQ. All senior officers report to duty stations. Intiate invasion procedures. All Admirals , Send out priority one communicae to all Federation digniteries code-name " Dispatch One " Please standby for further instructions............ Standby sensor report incoming.....
- Report from longrange sensors -
- Enemy Warp signatures approaching Sol system from borderlands -
- Range unknown. Due to sporadic sensor readings. -
- Time to intercept unknown , due to sporadic sensor readings.-
- Findings Incunclusive due to sensor errors. -
- End Report from longrange sensors -
- Advise Tactical situation Unknown -
- All sectors report in to Secure Starfleet Channels Asap.!!! Standby......... -
Signal Lost..........!!!!!!!!!!!
..................End Priority One Communication ............