It took us this long to just to get a working developer build for Rebellion. Myfist0 has been busting his ass on fixing model issues that popped up in porting to rebellion, and Psychoak is pulling his hair out just to make things work right in Rebellion. These two have been the Primary contributors since i "retired". They deserve our appreciation, and as much Karma as you can give. I am trying to do what ever i can to help, but i have not been able to do much. I don't even recognize the mod anymore since the last version i worked on. I am not in charge any more, and i am supposed to be "retired" remember? We NEED more people to help us. Not cheerleaders that dont know how to do anything. Modders that can truly help! We need Modelers, Texture Artists, and Code Monkeys. If you can do any of the above contact Psychoak.
I say lets get what we got finished, in game, and working before we consider Titans. If we do go with Titans i like the "elite hero ship" idea. The mod already has an "Armada/Armada 2" feel to it, but i didn't want it to go too far. A Sovereign with re-activated Admiral Picard in command, Negh Var with Chanceller Worf in command Enslaver with a "The Female Founder" (dont know her name) in command etc. However the Borg are powerful enough. They do not need a "hero". Kind of goes against the "one mind" philosophy of a collective anyway.
In the lore for SoA 2 the Klingon Empires Kodan is a "Usurper" who has illegitimately claimed the throne of the emperor for himself. Worf finally accepts that he must become the "True Chanceller" to save his people from this dishonor, and fights to restore the empire to its original glory under Martoks regime, and avenge Martoks murder. Worf is the modern age "Khaless". With the Usurper Kodan being the "Tyrant Molar". We will have a "House of Worf" (formally house of Martok) in the mod, but not a separate playable faction, because it will screw things up badly. When you play as the Klingon Empire if more than one faction exists just chose your allegiance. Honorable, and rightious battle, or be Honorless glory seeking pawns of the Usurper. Kind of gives me the idea of TWO Elite Hero Neg Vars. One for Worf, and one for Kodan.
Also in the lore. The Borg have no "queen". The facility that housed the Queens was destroyed by future Janeway when she temporarily disabled the transwarp hub (she did not destroy it as previously thought). The Borg are now a "true" collective of one mind. They do not need a leader. They view the Federation as their greatest threat, The Borgs goal is to annihilate. Not assimilate the Alpha, and Beta quadrant species. They have plenty of beings to assimilate in their own space. If the Dominion interferes. So be it. They are Irrelevant, and will be destroyed next. This faction does NOT need a titan, or elite hero unit.
In the lore.. IF the Federation ally with the Dominion. It is assumed that the Cardassians will become "liberated". They will still fight along side the Dominion, but shouldn't have to mutiny any more. Since the Dominion, and Federation are fighting a common enemy. Perhaps a buff for cardie ships if allied with feds is in order. If you do not ally then things remain as they are.
Also the re-appearance of the Borg will greatly change the Dominions attitude toward solids. They will soon realize that the solids are truly needed for them to survive. Instead of trying to dominate all solids. Which was the whole point of the second invasion. They will be much more cooperative when they realize that Odo was right all along. In a way the second invasion was a good thing. Because it prepared all of the factions for the coming of the Borg.
The Romulans are still a wild card in all of this. The new Praetor wants the Romulan Empire to become a republic. Especially after the Shinzon incident, but Romulans being Romulans. Not all agree with this new philosophy. Especially the Tal Shiar. So of course there will be small rogue factions that want the old status quo. So when the war is all over will the Romulans be at peace with the Feds, or will the Feds vanquish one enemy only to gain another?