They represent atheists, homosexuals, and abortion yet also claim to represent Blacks and Hispanics (after all the right are a bunch of racists) both very religious groups. We know how most Blacks voted during California's prop 8.
I am an atheist and democrats do not represent me. And the represent the blacks and hispanics via entitlement programs.
They support the anti war movement yet are (potentially) preparing to escalate a war.
They only oppose wars against despots and tyrants. They have nothing against wars waged by tyrants and despots against free people.
They support health care reform, yet want to slash Medicare (to pay for heath care reform).
Most of their voters are young, and they don't want reform, they want more stuff for themselves... I have spoken with democrats who proclaimed their support to taking from the elderly and giving to themselves.
They say they want to keep Americans safe while they investigate those that did.
They live in a fantasy world disconnected from reality where free people owning weapons causes evil and instability, interrogating terrorists causes terrorism, and pretty speeches stop tyranny and evil. Both the leaders and the democrats on the street suffer from this form of insanity.
They say they want to make low income families pay less, yet they push cap and trade which will raise the price of energy sky high (and EVERYTHING energy produces or transports).
They live in fantasy world disconnected from reality.
They support freedom and privacy while nationalizing businesses and financial institutions and censoring opposing views.
When have the democrats ever supported freedom and privacy?