I'm not sure if this is the problem, but each pantheon game ends up with 1 host. If the host leaves the game before its over, you won't get credit. For instance, your game here: http://pantheon.demigodthegame.com/game/721880/player/47067/
Winner: Forces of Darkness
Game Type: Fortress
Start: Jul 6, 2009 5:59 PM
Players: 6
Map: Leviathan
End: Jul 6, 2009 6:07 PM
Game Length: 8 minutes
Ranked: Yes
Note: Games marked as "NA" do not count towards statistics.
This is a perfect example of the host quitting before the game is over and could be an example of the host disconnect bug (host disconnects, gets a win and favor automatically so long as they were connected for at least 3 min - all other people get 0 favor). More details on the exploit here: http://forums.demigodthegame.com/358171. Its important to understand that a person can intentionally do this to inflate their stats, but it can also happen quite unintentionally. Looking at LordPoekelfleisch's record seems to indicate that he does not use this as an exploit. Until there is some sort of fix, which is apparently difficult to find, then someone can always manipulate a games stat outcome by hosting. And in pantheon, its a crap shoot as you never know who will end up as the host.