I own a dedicated server with a symmetric 100MBPS uplink and a large bandwidth quota. I notice people hosting their mods on extremely dubious sites such as filefront and rapidshare -- these sites are incredibly annoying because of the ads and popups and waiting, and they're always trying to get you to sign up for some membership.
That said, I am willing to host a limited number of mods on my server for an indefinite time. As a hosted mod, you will be able to upload the latest version only of your mod to my server, and provide your users with a direct link to the mod download over HTTP. No ads, no redirects, no nothing -- just the raw bits, as fast as my server can serve 'em.
Here are the requirements to apply:
1. You must be the primary mod author with principal authority over the project's management and direction.
2. You must only give me mod content that you wish to be available to the general public. I do not host private betas behind authentication or anything of the sort. If the files reside on my server, they are considered to be, at a minimum, under a freeware license -- that means anyone can download the mod from me and use it. You are free to provide the user with additional privileges such as the right to modify your mod. However, the copyright for the mod remains in your hands, and I will never post a link to your mod without referring to the original authors via a link to your mod homepage or forum thread.
3. The mod must be free of plagiarism of other mods' work without permission. Of course, if you are deliberately working together with other mod authors to create a more robust end product, that is fine. Just please make sure you respect the work of others and give credit where credit is due.
4. The mod must either ship no executable code (i.e. a zip file of game resources) or an executable that passes my virus scanner. Furthermore, any executable code (such as an installer) must not make any network connections without the user's explicit permission.
5. The mod must be active. I define an "active" mod as one that attempts to release new versions that work with the latest version of SOASE and any expansions. The emphasis is on attempts: I understand that updating your mod takes time, and during that time I will continue to host the latest version of your mod, even if it does not work with the latest patch. However, if your mod's latest release does not work with the latest SOASE patch for 6 months or longer, I reserve the right to stop hosting your mod.
6. The mod must contain only a minimal set of files needed to run your mod, and all of them must be used only by SOASE and nothing else. No extras, nagware, browser toolbars, etc.
Now, don't get me wrong: this is not soliciting. I stand to make no profit from this service. There are no mandatory fees regardless of the size or popularity of your mod. However, if I start to receive a large volume of downloads, I may place a PayPal "Donate" button on a webpage with a brief explanation of this service, and redirect downloaders to view this page while they are downloading your mod.
If you are interested: Send me a forum private message, or email me by removing all special characters out of the following, and replace "HEH" with "@":
*s)m#c^n{a}m HEH g+m;a"i\
I look forward to giving your mod a faster and less annoying home on the 'net.