Ok.. I am posting a list of bugs. Please add any of your own:
1. Bug: Sound from the previous game keeps looping in the background (even if you restart another game)
Basically when you finish a game you press the icon to take you to the lobby.. you will keep hearing the previous sound. The only way to stop this is to exit out of the game completely and log back in.
2. Graphic Glitch - Every so often (This has happened to me in Cataract) the whole map of Cataract will look obscure. Almost as if it is night time (it doesn't look as bright as the daylight). Next time this happens to me I will post a picture. I have a 4870 ATI card.
3. Dropping a mana giving item when your MP is lower than the mana giving item will give you full MP. This one is game breaking.
4. There are still times when you ask your demigod to perform an action and the demigod just sits there. You have to keep clicking until action starts. I am not sure as to what conditions causes this.
5. In Cataract, it is possible to take the flag on the top left without the towers hitting you (Bad bad bug) - It is also possible to destroy the middle right tower as TB fire without getting hit.
6. Regulus should not be able to destroy towers at a range without getting hit imho. The towers fall too quickly even with regen. Regulus mines should be just that, mines, not granades you launch at people's feet and not give you a chance to avoid them (regardless of what you do)
That is all I have now until I can think of some more. If the community keeps posting them here.. I will grab their bugs and compile a list.