That Almighty God exists is beyond a question of reasonable doubt.
neophilim_X posts:
Lulapilgrim, there's zero proof of god. Why am I to assume it's your god that "gave" anything? Or indeed how would any of us genuinely know what sort of "divinity" wants? Is it not possible that an entity created the universe, then just sat back and watched it all happen, not actually caring or passing judgement on any of us?
You don't have to assume anything rather just be willing to use your God-made noggin' and think and you might, just might get to know something of Almighty God that you didn't know before.
First...God...the one, true and Supreme Being, an Infinitely Perfect Spirit and the Creator and Lord of Heaven and earth. God possesses all perfections without measure or number....Almighty, Eternal, Infinite in intellect; All knowing, everywhere present, All Holy, Just, Merciful, Good, True, Faithful and Unchangeable. God is the Beginning and End of all things and can be certainly known by the light of natural reason.
Romans 11:20 "for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made." That means our idea of God is acquired from the dawn of reason.
Wisdom 13 assures the mind of man naturally rises from nature's Origin and Source, from things caused by a Necessary First Cause that always was, is and always will be, on which all things depend. The many proofs for the existence of ALmighty God comes from the fact that we humans instinctively know that we are limited in thought and activity, and feel deep in our heart that only a Supreme Being can satisfy the aspirations and longings of our soul. In short, natural law written in our heart reveals God to us, as the First Cause, the Necessary Being, the Prime Mover, and the Designer and Orderer of the universe, the Origin of Life, the Supreme Lawgiver and the Ultimate Good.
Now it would take alot of space to fully develop this and I'll only argue from causality as put forward by St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica.
Some think that evidence must be seen or touched, but not necessarily so. We all have reason and intelligence and can appreciate intellectual evidence. Even apart from the Holy Bible, reason can detect sufficient evidence to guarantee the existence of God.
The first proof is from causality. The universe limited in all its details could not be its own cause. It couldn't come together with all its regulationg laws anymore than the San Francisco bridge could just happen or a clock could assemble itslef and keep perfect time witout a clock-maker.
The end of a thing is the purpose for which it was made. The end of a clock is to keep time and the end of a pen is to write. For what purpose was man made and if we discover that we'll know his end. Look around, everything has a purpose or an end. The soil is made for plants to grow for animals and us to eat and from this we can easily see that everything in the world was made to serve something else.
Was mankind made for something in the world? The answer is no.
We see all classes or beings were created for something higher than themselves. Plants are higher than soil because they have life and soil doesn't. Animals are higher than plants becasue they have life and can feel and plants cannot. Man is higher than animals becasue he has reason and intelligence and can understand while animals cannot.
There must be something higher than man himself but there is nothing higher than him in the world so we must look beyond to find that for which he was made. And looking beyond and considering all things, we find man was made for Almighty know, love and serve Him both in this world and in everlasting life in Heaven.
On this same principle that the bridge and the clock need a maker, if there were no God, there would be no you to dispute or question His existence.