If your confronted by a large fleet with a lvl. 6+ Marza in tow, focus your firepower on the support ships, and have your antimatter specialists(a.k.a. Light frigates, Dunovs, Radiances, etc.) take out the Marza's antimatter.
There, now quit complaining.
You are asking for having your ass handed to you.
Light frig's anti-antimatter abilities don't work on caps.
Play the game a bit before playing smart.
"Learn to counter" is the dumbest response you can come up with after all that was written in this thread.
So there is no problem with one cap being able to single-handedly wipe a whole fleet? No siree, just counter it.
Ok then my question is: what the f. was wrong with Malice+CB combo? I mean, it was just as OP as MB is now.
Two caps, lvl3 and lvl6 could eradicate a whole fleet. What was wrong with that? Learn to counter! But was it left as it was? No, it was NERFED.
What was wrong with Returning Armada? Was it oh so bad? No it was not, learn to counter!
But was it left as it was? No, it was NERFED.
A game is when every side has even terms. I'm not saying everyone has the same ships and tricks, but everyone's strengths and weaknesses should sum up to an even chance of winning.
The truth is: if you take the caps away from the game completely, will TEC suck? No it will NOT suck. It can field a sh*tload of ships faster and cheaper that anybody else. It may not be quality over quantity, but it WORKS.
If you take all caps away, the game is more or less even.
Among the caps, however, the game is as even as a chess match between Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee (hint - only one of the two is actually alive).
Every cap ship has some decent ability that may or may not work better or worse, depending on what you have and what enemy has. On top of this is the stupid Marza which can simply wipe the floor with anything your throw at it.
Learn to counter? What makes you think HE won't counter your attempt?
The game becomes all about "what will you do bout his lvl6 Marza and what will he do to stop you".
Marza is screwed.
As screwed as Returning Armada and Malice+CB combo were.
And it is the only one not nerfed yet.
EDIT. Wow, proletari. You actually made a little sense with the last post.
Work on the font and you'll make your posts some decent read