So what we need is two types of Multi star...
Multi FFA - In this , nothing changes.
Multi Team - This is something special...
For Large Random Multi Team
5 Stars , Each team starts in a very small system . Each player will get something like 1 extra asteroid + 1 extra planet at this system . There will be 3 stars for contention in the middle . 1 Star will be mostly neutrals and will be in the center. 2 stars will be staggered and have about 6-8 planets in them. Infact this is basically similar to Aerolian Sector except that planets are randomised.
For Hugh Random Multi Team
5 Stars again. However this time , the starting systems will just accomadate the extra player. There will be 8-10 planets on the 2 middle stars. The star with the neutrals will probably be the same.