I am lazy. I hate doing work that involves a huge amount of time just to collect information.
After doing this for an hour, I had an idea. Why spend time doing this when I can modify a shortest path algorithm to actually catalogue all entries and values for any number of entity files?
I went through with my idea and it worked. The result is a 356 kb file that consists of all possible entries for an entity file and all possible values for each entry. No more searching for anyone. It is all here.
I will include the program as well. I compiled it at work using an older version of visual studio, so I believe it requires .NET 2.0, not 3.5.
I hope people find this useful. I certainly will for Sins Editor.
Program/Values.def download: http://sinseditor.blacklotushq.com/Pre%20Release%20Files/DefGen.rar
*Note: The values.def file in the .rar is not complete. It does not include ability*.entity files. I used a list of converted entrenchment files, which did not include the ability files. To get a full values.def, please rerun DefGen.exe and open all .entity files except for WeaponType.entity.