I have an idea.
I am a coder, and I belive quite a good one.
I am currently working on a Pirate mod, the beta of which should be out soon as stardock uploades it.
I think an Entity edditor would be AWSOME!
Not one that can just make ships, but abilities as well.
Abilities are the hardest things to code and get right. Particles are a sinch in comparison (I do all my own particle effects)
the problem with abilities is not so much typos (thogh they are hard)
For example the Modifier list here (https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/306405) is great, but it doesn't explain what the structure is.
For example, an ability could have the line that says "passive" but what lines follow? If it requires resources, then thier must be a line defining the reasource cost following. Or if it uses Antimatter, thier are lines that define how much antimatter it uses.
Understand what I am saying?
It would be awsome to have a tool that simply has a series of lines asking you questions, depending on the question, you type in an answer, or you scroll through a list.
The program will ask you "What does the ability cost?"
you can answer "Passive" "Antimatter" or "Resources."
and if you pick "Antimatter"
A new series of questions comes up saying "how much antimatter for level one?" ect.....
Same thing for buffs.
Unfortunatly, this will be difficult as you will have to go though and figure out what the struture for every possible entry is. And this would have to be updated every time Sins is.
One idea is to make it so a user of this program can add more modifiers if a new one is seen. Anouther idea, is have it so when the entity file (buff, ability, ect) is opened, the program checks to make sure the constrants match the current known constraints.
If they do not, the user has a few options, one of which is "Automaticly add new constraint" Which makes it eaisier on you, you can just start opening abilities and buffs and clicking "Automaitcly add new constraint" to add all the constraints!
Or you could be mean and make the user upload all the constraints.....