It would be nice for the username and password to be saved. At this point the username and password need to be inputed every time.
Even if there are more urgent things to do at the moment: A good suggestion.
There are two things which should be added as well:
- password hidden as *******
- switsching to the second row with "tab"key
We're already logged in on impulse, why are we logging in again? Those who start the game from the impulse software shouldn't have to input anything imho.
Also, I'd be more comfortable if our master account name wasn't displayed as our user name. Give us the option to "create an account" in game with a different name.
But yeah a "remember password" feature would be great
Good suggestions guys.
I'll tell ya. I must of logged in over 300 times last night. No tab/autologon was REALLY irritating. Lol.
support added. I know you guys know the lack of cover for the password and lack of tab is a pain, but seriously. Why not have a auto-login feature. I know some games don't have it, and it blows my mind. Like why not? why do I even have to type my password everytime?
Plz for the love of god add this in the next patch
This gets really annoying after a while
I'm with everyone here, WANT :
-Password protection
Yes please, its picky but can't take that much time to implement too. And helps a lot to the patience of a player
They've acknowledged password protection is coming-Tabbing is necessary, by all means, but the auto-login would fix that for a lot of us.Some of us don't log on to impusle first, but I imagine they'll figure that out.Best-
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