So there were no conservative media outlets?
There were no conservative networks, or news stations or organizations other than the weekly standard.
If everything on the TV is anti-conservative then how do Nixon and Reagan even get elected?
They gave speeches and met people. The news covered conservatives as they do now. They show what the republican said then explain how the democrat candidate is better, or more informed. When the democrat gave a speech he was covered and nothing he said was challenged unless it was a glaring mistake. The only reason Mr. Nixon won was because he promised to end the war in Vietnam. That is right Mr. Nixon was anti war. Mr. Reagan won because Mr. Carter pissed off the democrats by beating Senator Kennedy in the last election. They had been gunning for him from that point on. It was not until Mr. Clinton’s second election was Mr. Carter invited to the convention. Keep in mind that the last elected president of your party is the head of that party until the next person from your party is elected president. No one wanted to be seen with that loser.
I am just saying you make it sound as if conservatives had nothing.
Right, until 1988 there was only one conservative on TV. William F. Buckley he paid for the TV time once a week on Sundays. Rush Limbaugh was on one station in California, he went national in 1988.
In other countries where one side has all the news outlets "under their control" Opposition parties dont win.
Only in communist countries is that almost true. People talk to each other. Write news letters support their party, and actually learn who the candidates are and what they stand for. Because the airwaves are owned by the Government there has to be some fairness but not much. Remember that Congress was controlled by the Democrats for over 40 years and only lost power at the end of Mr. Reagans second term.
when I offered info from Obama's site people here just dismissed it.
Did it ever occur to you that the reason people that dismissed what you offered was because we have already been to that site and read it long before you brought it up? Can you say the same thing?
I agree you do have to prove it was untrue, but just as someone did reasearch for their article people with the resources like a McCain, Bush, Obama or otherwise can certainly put lawyers on these issues to prove libel or slander.
Yes, in some strange version of our world that may happen, you have a news paper or news station that can generate billions of dollars and have lawyers on staff. While you have to get a lawyer and then sue knowing that you have to prove malicious intent in order to win. It does not matter that it was a lie, it does not matter that everyone knows it is a lie, it does not matter that you can prove they knew it was a lie when it was published. Not of that matters unless you can prove they did it to harm you.
Now I have pictures of you having sex with a grape. You say no such thing happened and take me to court. Since you are not a public figure you have a good chance of winning unless I come up with the pictures. I say I have pictures of Senator Obama having sex with his daughter and publish this lie. He says it is not true. I print a retraction on page 23 and he has lost his legal challenge. Meanwhile people are running around saying there is a report of the Senator having sex with his daughter. Prove this is untrue senator! The same thing happened with President Bush and his service record. This news broke long before he won the governorship yet that same story came up each time he was up for election for president. It was disproven 15 or 20 years ago and the story still is going around. When CBS came up with falsified documents it was then that the story dropped. Do you have the money to fight that lie for 20 years? and after you prove it is a lie then you have to prove malicious intent. Well I heard it from a reliable source. Is all they have to say and now you have to go after that source and the one behind that and the one behind that. When you finally get to the one that started the lie he did to publish it so he can’t be sued for libel, you have just spent somewhere around two or three hundred million dollars and did to win a penny. Sure you cleared your name but then all someone has to do is reprint the first story and say they did not know it was false and you started the cycle all over again.
I agree it isnt easy but you make it sound as if it is impossible to do and its not.
To my knowledge only two people have sued the media and won. Carol Brunette, and some other star. They won little or no money, and only succeeded in clearing their names. It only took 8 years to win. Wow! Your right it is not impossible, but is it worth the trouble. If either senator were to sue for libel, it could take four to ten years to clear their name. They could have been elected and re-elected and out of office before their name is cleared. Add to that, every time any news about the senator is reported it will include the law suit, so that old news is new again. So if you want to have to fight the lies over and over and over again then you sue, or you keep quiet and let it die.
I simply have passion for my beliefs and think that while there are some things I like about republican ideals, that democrat ideas are better for the whole country.
I can see that passion, wrong as it may be. LOL. I respect your passion I have a difficult time dealing with the lack of research you do before you jump into a topic. I don’t care what your political stripe is as long as you debate honestly. You have done so as far as I can tell you just have your facts way off on some things because your passion blinds you to reality. Because the left complains about talk radio you assume it has always been around and run by conservatives and republicans. Only in the last 10 years have republicans jumped on the talk radio band wagon until then it was Rush Limbaugh 3 hours a day and liberals 24/7 on every other radio station. The reason why talk radio is so powerful for conservatives is it makes money and whatever makes money is good. Liberals had talk radio and have never made money because no one wants to hear hate speech.
If I have offended or come off too strong I am sorry.
As long as you don’t lie, and speak your mind you have nothing to apologize for except being wrong, I mean liberal, but we will fix that soon enough.