And your information comes from where? Unless you are able to be in all these places yourself you are getting info from tv, internet, newspapers, etc.
Wrong again. Where did I get my information? I read the New Orleans and Louisiana Emergency Management Department protocols for Hurricanes. I compared them to Nagin and Blanco's responses to Hurricane Katrina and the flooding. Guess what, they outright refused to activate and follow the protocols.
I compared their responses with those of other areas hit by Katrina and Rita. I matched that with my own experiences in disaster response and recovery.
Yes, I read and listened to the reports from the incompetent press. I compared the reports to the reality and found the reports to be complete lies, unfounded rumors and disinformation. I watched as the incompetent press created a political groundswell out of a disaster.
Why was it that every "reporter" on scene at the Superdome reported over 100 murders? Why didn't even one of those incompetent wastes of a paycheck so much as go to the basement freezers to see if it was true. If they had of, they would have found exactly 3 bodies. 2 from heart attacks and 1 from a stroke.
Why weren't the tow truck drivers contracted to be at specific points along the freeways called out to do their jobs? Why did most of the people of NO think that the Superdome was a primary shelter when the protocols specified other places? Why was it that when FEMA showed up to support the recovery, Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin had no idea what was needed? Why? Because they never once bothered to conduct evaluations of the disaster areas... which is their job, not the job of FEMA.
The incompetent press wanted the world to believe that the federal government, under Prs. Bush, was to blame for the fiasco that was (and still is) New Orleans. They only succeeded because too many people sit fat and happy, ready to swallow whatever they are fed.
Did you ever ask yourself why FEMA seemed so incompetent in Louisiana, but so on the ball everywhere else? Did you ever wonder why the response for Katrina was so incompetent, but the response to Rita went off with only a few problems? The incompetent press wanted us to believe that Texas saw what happened in New Orleans and learned from the mistakes. The reality was, Texas city, county and state officials USED the Disaster Protocols that have been on file for years.
That is how I know of what I speak. That is why I don't sit and let a bunch of overpaid airheads tell me what to think about a situtation. Yes, I listen to their reports, but I don't take what they say as gospel. In fact, it is my experience that any news reports in the first 72 hours after a major disaster will be wrong. It is also my experience that the incompetent press has blown it on every major story in the last 20 years... probably longer, but that is as far back as my experience goes.