Wire taping illegally I think that's probably the best one and it leads to some many other things in the name of national security.
You mean wire tapping, that has been done by our government since 1925 illegally, is all the fault of the Bush Administration? Forget the wire tapping done by President Kennedy and Attorney General Kennedy to smear political opponents such as Vice President Richard Nixon.
The illegal wire taps of President Johnson as ordered by Attorney General Kennedy.
The illegal wire taps of President Nixon who was just doing what the other president did.
You mean the illegal wire taps of President Carter.
You mean the illegal wire taps of Presidents Reagan and Bush? Oh wait there were never any allegations of this attributed to these presidents.
You mean the illegal wire taps of President Clinton, who expanded this to reading all of your E-mail?
But all of a sudden we have the current president of the United States tapping terrorists not Americans it is a bad thing. I have a hard time believing this do you have any examples of this?
my point was that the troop surge didnt work the "Money Surge" worked. So why doesnt Bush just come out and say we paid them off? I dont have a problem with that but when he twists what really happend Ido.
And just how did you get this secret information of the payoffs? Could it be that you got it from the news? If that is the case then it is not a secret is it. Having worked in the area many years ago I know that it is just the way business is done. The great revelation you are disclosing is of the same shocking news value as the revelation that we pay income taxes.
If I as an employee were to do it and get caught even just once with it never in my record before I would immediately be discharged. So I think we may want to look at another path or hold all people to the same standard.
So after more than 20 years of not teaching ethics you expect that just because people take a few classes that the classes will instantly change the way people are? How many times have you read the truth about something and ignored it because it goes against your beliefs on the topic?
I dont disagree with anything you said here save maybe that there is also blame to go around to the generals who planned the rescue the whole plan was ot good and had little chance of success.
I was on the planning staff for the rescue of hostages in Iran because my unit was supposed to be the first in if we used the Marine plan, I helped write the marine plan (as a minor player). Five plans were presented to the President. His advisors chose the one that was most politically correct rather than the one that had the best chance of success. The problem with liberals is that they don’t trust the Generals so they try to run the show even when they don’t know what they are doing. Look at Vietnam the war was run by President Johnson. The same was done with the hostage crisis. The Gulf war President Bush told the generals what he wanted and let them do it. In the war on terror President Bush did as he father did. See the difference in results.
what I am saying is that everyone rags on Obama because he mentions that we have done some bad things, well its true. Lets not rag on the guy about it.
The senator is beating a dead horse. The problems have been remedied why keep bringing them up again and again? The President of the United States is supposed to be the figurehead for the nation. The leader of our people and commander in Chief of our military. The last thing people need is to have that person rehashing our mistakes of the past rubbing our noses in crap we had nothing to do with. Did you discriminate against people? Did you lynch anyone? Do you know anyone who does? We have not openly lynched anyone since we got the democrats out of power.
The last poll taken showed that only 8% of the nation will not vote for Senator Obama because of his race. Where is the problem?
And yet a Democrat congress not only found that he didn't break any laws there, they passed laws supporting his position.
Please don’t confuse the issue with fact and or logic.