Stardock, when it comes to designing great games, you guys rock! When it comes to providing documentation and in-game information access to help players make intelligent decisions however, your games often leave a lot to be desired.

A strategy game is all about making decisions, so adding a few simple ways to allow players to access information required to make INTELLIGENT decisions (as opposed to just guessing) goes a long way towards making a the gameplay experience much more fun and involving.
You look at the tech tree and see technology X will give you access to a widget, a foozle, and a whatchamadingy - but there is no way to click on any of those things to see what they actually do! WHY?
How do I know if I want to research my way to that tech if I can only GUESS what tangible benefits it will actually give me? This problem is compounded now that each race has it's own tech tree, because there are so many more tech and benefits...not knowing what many of them do undermines all the cool stuff you guys have put in the game!
Why can't I look at a starbase and know EXACTLY what modules are still available to be built there and what they would contribute if I added them? Sure I know I can build one module, but is it the expensive weapons platform I cannot afford right now or the next mining upgrade, and what exactly will those things do when I add them? Please don't make me waste time sending a constructor there to find this out only to realize I actually sent it to the wrong side of the universe and want it somewhere else!
Finally, it's so easy to forget about a starship once it enters orbit around a planet. There should really be a way to request some ships to activate for orders each turn when they are in orbit or something.
I've been asking for some of these features since the original GalCiv shipped. I have loyaly purchased every iteration and expansion for all the GalCiv games despite the omission of these relatively basic features. The first two would be so easy to add (I don't know about the ships in orbit thing).
PLEASE give us the information we need to make intelligent decisions without forcing us to just guess? When guessing replaces strategy, the best features of your games are undermined!