John McSame is a doddering old fool of at best questionable mental acuity and undeniably low intelligence and poor morals.
What does this have to do with the points made in the article? With your superior, for a liberal, intellect I would expect you to at least have the attention span to stay on topic and on point. Or is this too great an expectation from you?
He has already pledged himself to continuing the disastrous policies of the Bush junta while simultaneously getting as many US soldiers killed as possible in Iraq over the next 100 years.
This is a lie, and the newest talking point from the Obama campaign, they tried it last month and it did not work because it was disputed by the record. If you are going to tell other peoples lies and mischaracterizations then you should at least be honest enough to say where you got it from so people won’t think you ignorant. Or is this your way of confirming, what we all suspected but hoped was incorrect, that you can’t come up with an original thought of your own?