Not a bitch but if a developer checks out this thread, maybe I can put a bug in their head: when the game ends, I'm rather suddenly and unceremoniously dumped out, except for one final spash screen saying I won. It would be nice if I could relish my victory a little longer, letting me look around the map after the game is over--with the game frozen, without actually returning to active play.
Dawn of War does this and it's nice. It would essentially be barely any extra coding: you include an option in the victory screen where we return to the game, like we already have, and then put it on pause, without saying "pause" any where. One could then use the menu option to quit, or possibly resume game at that point. See what I'm saying?
Now you can already do this by clicking the return-to-game button and hitting pause yourself, except the advantage of having a button which does all of this is that you can look around the "paused" game while the action is still hot, so you can look at explosions and such. My reflexes have slowed with age so by the time I would hit the pause button explosions and action shots would have died down and all I'd see is ships just hanging out.