Personally I think the European Welfare State works pretty well, not perfect by any means, but at least everyone gets cheap health care and education, which are important to maintain an equal society.
You can’t be serious! The welfare state does noting but bring people to the lowest common denominator. It stifles growth and progress. It dumbs down the population and has been an utter failure everywhere it has been tried except Sweden.
If you are too old or too young you don’t get the best of care. So as long as you are young and fit and productive you get health care. If not, you die.
Why is it that Brits come to America for healthcare? Canadians come here on a routine basis for health care. Because the system is too slow.
The socialized healthcare system is too expensive and too callous. Every American gets health care regardless of their ability to pay. We don’t get told to wait 9 months for surgery, we don’t get told to wait three months for the dentist to remove an impacted wisdom tooth. Socialized medicine does this on a regular basis.
Also computers and de internetz, Nuclear power, in fact all sorts of awesome came from the holders of doctorates.
Computers? High school kids were building them at home. The first computer was built in 450 AD, there was no doctorate program back then. Both apple and Microsoft were companies formed by college drop outs. The first artificial heart was created by a high school graduate. The internet was created by the military, the desk top computer was designed by high school graduates working for the U. S. Marine Corps, in 1963. Under contract to the Marines IBM took the plans and built it. It took from 1964 to 1980 before IBM started delivery on that computer which they improved a lot on and produced and then commercially sold the desk top computer. My uncle was a professor of electrical engineering at Stony Brook University on Long Island. All of this was common knowledge to him when I was in high school. I would strongly suggest you crack open the books a little more and blog a lot less if you plan on getting your degree.
Also getting a doctarate is hard work, I don't think you quite realise this.
Speak for yourself, I had to pay for my sons bachelors degree he had a free ride scholarship for his doctorate, and his MBA in that order. My son was kind enough to get his bachelors in two years rather than four. So if you think it is hard then you are not studying hard enough.