I decided to write this because I can't see this MP mode as even being a game it isn't. If this were cards you might have some sense of a game and there would be the random happening of card distribution and player ability that could constitute some feeling of participation and fun. I have discovered that so called players aren't really interested in playing they're interested in stacked odds and exploting the unknowing noobs. I will never partcicpate in any further so called MP game again. Because there was no real game at all. Just a deliberate exploitation that some people called a game. Nor do I believe that there is any possibility for acheiving any sense of entertainment through such a process. You should have been on the receiving end of what was little more than a setup. First they choose Vesari. Cramped map they were completely familiar with I'm sure. Both opponents were immediately on my home planet with their full fleets using full battle caps and not mother ships within the first 5 mins of the so called game and they timed the first pirate raid perfectly by dumping all their funds on the pirate bribe to send them my way. My partner was no where to be found. So no possibility for me at all. I don't call that a game. I call that an exploitive bunch of bullshit not worth participating in. Good bye to SoSE and good bye to all so called MP computer games. I refuse to be the sacrificial scape goat to this sort of bull shit. No thanks.