I haven't played the release of sins much yet (been playing since beta 2 though), however I was playing as the advent (going for the advent military researcher, that is really hard to get, too. No empire techs at all, ouch) and their last shield tech seems a bit too good. Going from max 60% shield mitigation to 75% seems a bit much. I know it's not exactly easy to get, but still, especially for cap ships, it makes the Advent WAY harder to kill, especially if your using the shield recharge ability on the colonizing ship.
I sent a level 9 colonizing ship into the pirate base, and it lasted forever, at least 5 minutes. This was versus around 20 corsairs and a bunch more of the other ships. It's shields didn't even go down until it ran out of antimatter so it couldn't use the shield restore ability anymore.
I don't think it was just the shield restore ability, I think a lot of it was the mitigation. Automatically taking off another 15% of all incoming damage on all ships seems a bit much. Has anyone gotten this tech in MP, or faced someone who had it?
I am *not* whining for a nerf or anything, just seeing if anyone else thinks the same. Maybe instead of extending the range of mitigation, it should just add 2.5% per tech or something (for a total of 5).
Could someone better at math give me the formula for how to figure out how much shield mitigation multiplies the basic HP/shields (because thats what it basically comes down to, the more mitigation, the more health, as taking less damage means that your shields and hull are basically worth more)? 60% mitigation more than doubles the standard health, I know that (as a 100 damage weapon mitigated by 60% becomes a 40 damage weapon, more than cut in half). So making it 75% should make all hull and shield points worth 4x as much, right (not 4x as much as 60%, just 4x as effective as no mitigation at all)?
Sigh, my head hurts now.....