I'm baa...ack!!! With more hardy har, har than before... like 3" of hardy har, har more...
Nope, I just couldn't resist it, that 22" Viewsonic wide-screen monitor wot jumped out at me earlier today... and this time I wasn't even in the store, exactly. Yup, I was just standing on the pavement outside when it accosted me... not to mention giving a multitude of (logical & most valid) reasons why I'd be much happier with it than my 19" Viewsonic.
Yeah, well, after a moment or two of arm twisting, I succumbed to the hard-sell/spiel and handed over the spondula (cash) to secure my new desktop experience before it jumped out and persuaded somebody else to buy it.
OK, so we've all heard the "don't pull silly faces like that cos the wind 'll change and you'll get stuck like it", well I had one of those moments after installing the new monitor and changing the resolution from 1440 x 900 to 1680 x 1050. Yup, you guessed it, the wind changed... I mean there was a slight glitch and everything on my screen got distorted and stuck like it.
Sure enough, I panicked and desperately went through a range of fixes - changing the resolution back and back again; rebooting; uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers and rebooting again - before realising all I had to do was change the damned wallpaper.
Oh yeah, here's a couple of pics of it... not to mention my
too damned sanitary desk/work area


Haven't finished yet, but I had to do some remodeling and shift my speakers so it'd fit it the pigeon hole.. it'll do for now, tho.