I do not believe 'modability' is actually a word; however, I believe it gets what I'm asking across

I am just interested to know how easily I could go about modifying actual ships in the game. Such as, adding/removing weapons, changing weapon values, changing armor values, etc. I am a freespace 2 fan, but I like the ship design in Sins enough to not want to change it, so I am thinking I might change the weapons layout for larger ships (in freespace 2, if anyone can recall, most corvettes and larger were multi-role ships, that is, they had anti-fighter batteries, anti-corvette batteries, and large beam weapons to help damage ships larger than them or their same size).
I don't have the beta, so I cannot test the modability myself. Also, the developers would know better, as modding options are probably more limited in the beta then the full version.