I was in a game with the altarians on intelligent on a tiny map the other day, it was basically a tech race. Neither of us were building any military, I had the game pretty much wrapped up as I had 3x the planets that they did and I was slowly taking their planets over with influence. Anyway about 1/2 way through, in my diplomacy report it said - "We know what your doing." What the heck was that? Was it about the influence or what? I got a planet deep in their influence by one of those council events about a new planet and who gets it, I had more votes so I got it only to find that it was in the corner that they had influence over, so I built one influence base by that planet which of course put it in their territory and hurt their influence, so that could be it, but I dunno. Anybody else ever have it say "we know what your doing." as a negative diplomacy modifier?